Howdy from Jaclyn in Aggieland!
Tonight, Hubba and I went on a "mini-date" that ended up being not so mini! I worked all afternoon on prep for summer I (how am I going to be ready in 13 days!?!). After a quick stop at home, Hubba and I went to dinner at Cheddars and then went indoor plant shopping at Home Depot. We found several plants that we loved, but out of all of them, only two were cat-friendly enough for us to feel comfortable getting them. We ended up getting a Burgundy Rubber Plant and a Cat Palm. Our next stop was TJMaxx in the hopes that they had pots that were big enough for our new family members and would go with our house. We lucked out there and then headed to Target, where we also lucked out. TJMaxx had a couple of nice pieces of furniture that I wanted, but wasn't willing to spend the money on. There was also this awesome mirror that would look fantastic on the accent wall in the living room, but, again, I wasn't willing to spend what they were asking. At Target, I found some school supplies, but that was about it. So the hunt for pots is still going.
We got home and brought the rubber plant in first. Tonks went and smelled a leaf and was good. The rubber plant is not too intimidating to her. Kitty didn't find the rubber plant to be at all intriguing so did not bother to move from her spot on the couch. Then, we brought in the cat palm, which is already between 3 and 4 feet tall and moves a lot. Tonks was definitely scared of it. Kitty, however, recognized a good thing when she saw it and immediately went to taste it. We shooed her away from eating it. Eventually Tonks got brave enough to check out this awesome thing that was moving gently with fun string like projections. She realized that it was actually a pretty cool toy. Now, Kitty came to check it out. They both played with some of the leaves that were moving around, until Kitty again tried to eat it. Now they are both sitting, lovingly watch it sway in the air created by the fan.
I hope we can keep them alive!
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
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