I am actually out at Mom's tonight, so more like, "Howdy from Cynjara!" I had a very full day today and feel like I did a pretty decent job at following through on most of my goals today.
One bittersweet moment from the day: I got an email from one of my students who was regularly in my office the second half of the semester (as in, the student was there almost every time that I was available to students). This student did not get the necessary grade for their degree plan and they were very disappointed and were beating themselves up about it. This is a student that I know well because I saw him and worked with him almost every day for the last several weeks. I sent him the following response:
Please don’t be so hard on yourself. I am proud of the fact that you started making changes in how you studied. You might not have seen the results on your exams, but you were making progress. This is a minor set back in the grand scheme of things. You will come back from this better and stronger. I believe in you and your abilities. I am still proud of you. You did not fail my course, you just didn’t meet the requirements for your degree plan. You have learned a lot this semester about how to study, how to learn, how to take exams. Now you can use those lessons to rock the class the next time you take it.The student's response was lovely:
I am always in your corner.
And this is why I am grateful for choosing you as my prof! Thank you again.I honestly hate this time of the semester. No matter how hard I work, someone is going to be disappointed. I am going to get emails from students who think that their circumstances warrant special treatment. Who think that a 66 is a borderline grade. And many other soul-sucking, discouraging, broken moments. But then there are students who see how hard you fight for them. That know that you really are rooting for them and want only the best for them. Students who, even though they are disappointed in the final result, trust you enough to take your class again. Students who refresh your soul, encourage you in your mission, and are a salve on those bruises incurred by others.
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
For my own personal record and for those who might be following along, here are my accomplishments of the day:
- I woke up a little after 8am. I did not HAVE to wake up, so I count this as an accomplishment.
- I read the introductory chapter to How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. Already finding some challenges that honestly kind of intimidate me. My complete lack of expertise in Biblical languages and the history of the Middle East being most intimidating. I really need a good Bible dictionary.
- I read Luke 1. I kind of somewhat randomly chose to start with Luke. I was trying to practice separating feeling from the reading of the text and focus on the technical aspects of what I was reading. However, Zechariah and Elizabeth's initial challenges hit too close to home for me to separate my desires and subsequent feelings from the story. I ended up reading Luke 1 multiple times today in multiple translations.
- I did a load of laundry! Actually, I finished a load that was already in the washer and did another load.
- I graded 9 of the 15 work out problems on the Honors Final Exam.
- I picked up clutter in the living room and on the stairs. I started doing the same in the bedroom. I folded laundry.
- I went to lunch with Hubba and his co-workers to celebrate his 3 year anniversary there.
- I took my multivitamins!
- We packed up clothes and essentials and headed to Mom's. Grandma is here and it is the perfect time for me to get away from Aggieland. Despite me sternly telling students that there was nothing more that can be done about their grades and to not email me about their grades, I have had SO MANY email me. It is convenient to say, "Sorry! I am out of town! I am happy to talk to you in the fall, though! Have a great summer!"
- I finished grading the Honors Final Exams. Now I just need to decide what to do, but I really already know. I just know a few of them are going to be disappointed and it makes me sad.
- I worked through half of the Exam I notes for Business Calculus. I still don't like my exponential functions notes.
- I worked on this post!
- Did not drink enough water today.
- No exercise. (When was there time!) No deliberate food choices.
- Didn't work on any of my 166 materials, but I did a lot of other work.
- Didn't look at Physics or Cal II. (Again, I think I did enough intellectual work today, though.)
- Didn't cook at home, because I am not at home. Mom made beef stew. It was amazing. She also made banana pudding. Also, amazing.
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